Our Commitment to you.
At GLS Educational Supplies, we strive to provide the highest level of service to our customers and the best possible working conditions for our staff. We have committed to the associations and accreditations below to ensure that happens.

As a member of the Institute of School Business Leadership, we support the best practice and quality training of school business leaders within the education sector, helping schools and academies to run more efficiently in the future.

As members of the British Educational Suppliers Association, we are bound by our membership to follow the code of practise for safety, quality and suitability.

As members of the British Quality Foundation, we demonstrate our strong commitment to process improvement, to bring you the best in both quality products and service.

As members of the United Nations Global Compact, we must adhere to their values of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption.
ISO accreditations.
As reassurance that we are committed to Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety best practise, we are certified in the following.