Learn Well Grotto Pencil Grip - Pack of 5 Pack of five

Learn Well Grotto Pencil Grip - Pack of 5 Pack of five


Product code: G1674781


Suitable for both right and left handed users, this grip has been ergonomically designed by an Occupational Therapist to train the proper grasp, correct the pencil grip and improve handwriting.

The finger guard and unique angles place and hold the fingers in the proper writing position, decreasing hand fatigue.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
3 Years
Learn Well
Development Need
Minimum Age Suitability
3 Years +
Pack size
Pack of 5
Product Type

Suitable for both right and left handed users, this grip has been ergonomically designed by an Occupational Therapist to train the proper grasp, correct the pencil grip and improve handwriting.

The finger guard and unique angles place and hold the fingers in the proper writing position, decreasing hand fatigue.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
3 Years
Learn Well
Development Need
Minimum Age Suitability
3 Years +
Pack size
Pack of 5
Product Type

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