cochranes Minit Carbon Nanotube Model Kit

cochranes Minit Carbon Nanotube Model Kit


Product code: G1207367


Carbon nanotubes are currently one of the most intensively studied nanomaterials with their unique molecular structure resulting in several potential exciting applications in current day nanoscience.

The Carbon Nanotube Model Kit allows you to construct a graphene sheet, carbon nanotube, carbon 60 (buckyball) and related structures with up to 260 carbon atoms.

Instructions are included to show you how the carbon atoms can be arranged to illustrate the different symmetries of carbon rings in the nanotube to create the chair, zigzag and chiral structures.

The kit uses the Minit molecular building system, a high quality and sturdy system, perfect for illustrating detailed structures. The smaller scale and handy pocket-sized student set make it highly suitable for individual use and study.

Contains: 260 Atoms and 2cm Bonds

Constructed Length: 50cm

Further Information

Age Recommended from
14 Years
Molecular structure

Carbon nanotubes are currently one of the most intensively studied nanomaterials with their unique molecular structure resulting in several potential exciting applications in current day nanoscience.

The Carbon Nanotube Model Kit allows you to construct a graphene sheet, carbon nanotube, carbon 60 (buckyball) and related structures with up to 260 carbon atoms.

Instructions are included to show you how the carbon atoms can be arranged to illustrate the different symmetries of carbon rings in the nanotube to create the chair, zigzag and chiral structures.

The kit uses the Minit molecular building system, a high quality and sturdy system, perfect for illustrating detailed structures. The smaller scale and handy pocket-sized student set make it highly suitable for individual use and study.

Contains: 260 Atoms and 2cm Bonds

Constructed Length: 50cm

Further Information

Age Recommended from
14 Years
Molecular structure

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