Wipe-Off Sentence Strips Pack of 30 Pack of thirty

Wipe-Off Sentence Strips Pack of 30 Pack of thirty


Product code: G1666363


Teach writing skills, printing basics and more. Construct sentences, create study cards and learn basic word structure. Multi packs give teacher's added flexibility to colour code activities. This has a reusable wipe-off surface. Each Strip is 75 x 600mm.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
3 Years
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Pack size
Pack of 30
Product Type
Flash Cards and Strips

Teach writing skills, printing basics and more. Construct sentences, create study cards and learn basic word structure. Multi packs give teacher's added flexibility to colour code activities. This has a reusable wipe-off surface. Each Strip is 75 x 600mm.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
3 Years
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Pack size
Pack of 30
Product Type
Flash Cards and Strips

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