Your complete modelling guide.

Soft dough.
This soft and pliable modelling dough is often a child’s first exposure to creating a model. This sort of dough is very tactile and children are often content just to make their favourite shapes or to just squish the dough in their hands. It is perfectly suited to infant hands. This dough needs to be stored in an airtight container to avoid drying out. Colour varies.

Modelling material.
The most economical modelling material as it never dries out, so it can be used again and again. Despite always being malleable, models will always retain their shape. It can be shaped and worked using modelling tools and can be worked on its own or around a pre-formed armature. Perfect for kids play and professional animators alike..

Air drying clay.
Has all the qualities of traditional clay but without the need for firing. Reinforced with synthetic fibres this clay is air drying with a low shrinkage rate. Drying times may vary. This is a versatile and economical clay. Finished pieces can be coated in PVA glue and acrylic paint.

Incredible foam.
Add new excitement and fun to your next dough project! IncredibleFoam® Dough is like no other dough you’ve used, and it’s great value! Tiny colourful foam beads are combined with a non-toxic adhesive to create fun new textures and shapes not found in regular dough. Children will also develop fine-motor skills and creativity. It doesn’t dry out, is easy to clean and doesn’t stick to desk surfaces.

Lightweight modelling dough.
A water based, air drying modelling material. Perfect for making models that children can play with when dry! It can be part blended to get marbling effects or fully blended to obtain new colours making it perfect for teaching colour mixing. It can be easily decorated with paints or felt tips and once dry can be further modified by cutting, painting, varnishing and gluing. Must be stored in an airtight box.

Papier mâché
Encourage children to make their own boxes, trays, or even ornaments with Papier Mache which is a mixture of paper and glue, or paper, flour, and water, that becomes hard when dry.

Mod roc.
deal for the construction of 3D models by application to a inflexible frame, just wet the Art Roc and mould into shape. Easy-to-use cotton Plaster of Paris bandage rolls that sets hard in minutes.

Made from potato starch these brightly coloured noodles stick together when wet and encourages modelling making for younger children.