World Teachers Day: celebrate your staff

World Teachers Day: celebrate your staff


There’s no doubt that teachers are constantly working hard both in and out of school hours. So, this World Teacher’s Day, why not celebrate your staff? As an SBM, this doesn’t have to be something extravagant, but just a little something to show your appreciation during school.


The importance of celebrating your staff

World Teacher’s Day is almost here. We know that over the last few years, our teachers have worked harder than ever to support students academically, emotionally, and socially. The key is making your school a ‘great place to work’ – somewhere where people are happy and productive. And the knock-on effect will be that as word spreads around the teaching community, people will want to come and work for you – reducing future recruitment issues!

While receiving a coffee gift card or a note of appreciation is always welcomed, GLS wants to share a few creative ways to thank our extraordinary teachers this year!


Here are some ways you can celebrate your teachers in the school.


Hold a breakfast/lunch

Choose one or two meals the week to cater breakfast or lunch for teachers. Additionally, be sure to tell teachers in advance when this is happening. Not having to plan breakfast or lunch is just as much of a gift as actually sharing in a delicious meal. Free teachers from any duties during this time and allow them to show up in whatever way feels best for them. Consider supporting a local restaurant or vendor in the process to further support your community.


Turn a meeting into a self-care opportunity

Meetings are important, but after a full day of teaching, they can also be exhausting. Consider sending out an email with any necessary information and cancelling the meeting. Encourage teachers to instead use the hour to do something for themselves. This small gesture can go a long way. While it's not a specific gift, teachers will appreciate the thought and be thankful for the spare time.


Teacher gift baskets

If your budget allows it, consider gifting each teacher with a small teacher gift basket. If possible, create gift baskets that are somewhat unique to each teacher for an extra personal touch. While we all know teachers love colourful pens and classroom goodies, consider adding items that remind your teachers they are also more than just teachers. You could also encourage students to anonymously drop off family donations to the front office during the week leading up to World Teacher’s Day. This could then be added to this gift basket.


Door affirmations

Throughout the week, encourage your school to write words of affirmation for their teachers. You can collect these at the beginning of each day, or in a collection box. Divide up these notes and use them to decorate the classroom door of each teacher in your building. Consider using other decorative materials as well that make this teacher feel special and recognised. Student leadership or even administration could be responsible for the execution. Have the students get involved and get them to write something or decorate with you.


School supplies

Teachers will usually have a wish list of what they want for their classroom, whether it be stationary, furniture or books. If you have it within your SBM budget, purchase some things from their wish list. This can take a load off their shoulders, and they will feel appreciative that you are considering their needs and wants. For teachers to be able to carry out the job to the best of their ability, they need school supplies. Taking the time to go through their list and purchasing what you can, will help in more ways than one.


Continue to celebrate your staff

Celebrating your staff shouldn’t just happen on World Teacher’s Day. It should be a continued effort to show your appreciation of the hard work they put in every day. Newsletters are a great way to shout out teachers once a month. It will show you care about them and are acknowledging their work, both in and out of school hours.

Another way to continue to celebrate your staff is by celebrating their birthday (if they’re happy with this). To do this, you could bring in a cake for them or some sweet treats for all staff to enjoy during their breaks. A simple yet effective way to show your appreciation.


Let’s not forget about SBMs

Although it’s World Teacher’s Day, SBMs should also be celebrated. With balancing financials, admin work, purchasing products for the school as well as ensuring everything runs smoothly, SBMs need time to celebrate their own hard work. Take time out for yourself and do something you enjoy. Ensure you take the opportunity to treat yourself, whether it’s at work during school or out-of-school hours. You’re just as important too.


Teaching is an incredibly difficult and demanding job. Additionally, there are moments when it feels like asks and expectations are only being added to one’s plate when teachers are already operating from a place of fatigue, frustration, and sometimes scarcity.


While we can’t change the system overnight, thinking of creative ways to celebrate our teachers shows them how much we truly value them as teachers and individuals. So, this year, rather than just emailing out virtual coffee gift cards, consider putting in some extra thought and creativity when celebrating your teachers! Let us know how you’re celebrating in your school by joining us on Twitter @gls_education