Top tips to use less plastic in school

Top tips to use less plastic in school
It's plastic free July and this year's plastic-free month highlights the importance of using less plastic. Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues with over 150 million tons of plastic floating in the ocean.
As an SBM, it is important to reduce the amount of plastic your school uses to contribute positively to the environment. Discover our top tips to use less plastic in school and find out how you can implement the techniques to strive toward a plastic free school.
Use a reusable water bottle
SBMs must take initiative and lead by example to use less plastic in their school. To do this, it is great to start with having a personal reusable water bottle. By doing this simple switch from plastic water bottles, SBMs won't only set an example to their schools but also save around 150 plastic water bottles from use every year. Plastic bottles are also unsustainable contributing towards greenhouse gases and climate change. Whilst a reusable bottle is more sustainable as energy used to create one is equal to 50 plastic bottles.
Reusable water bottles are perfect reminders to consume more water in the day which leads to multiple health benefits. Use this to encourage your staff and pupils to start using them. People will be more inclined to use a reusable water bottle if it helps with their general health. Create a memo on reusable water bottles to send out to your staff. Entice them and their pupils to use reusable water bottles to reduce the plastic usage in your school. Print out letters to parents that you can give to your staff so children can participate, leading your school to a greener future.
Ditch plastic cutlery during lunch breaks
A perfect way for SBMs to use less plastic in schools is by swapping out any plastic cutlery that is used in the canteen for plastic free alternatives. Schools use approximately 4.25 billion items of plastic cutlery annually in the UK. SBMs need to create a change as plastic cutlery accounts for a large proportion of school's plastic usage. There are multiple alternatives SBMs can stock up on to help reduce the use of plastic.
The best alternative SBMs can have in stock are made of recycled materials. These are great as the school can use them as single use cutlery so there is no need to have staff wash copious amounts of metal cutlery. Plus, they are beneficial to the environment as they can be recycled when disposed of.
Another alternative to use in schools is biodegradable/compostable plastic cutlery or wooden utensils. Biodegradable plastic cutlery is more difficult to compost as they need to be professionally composted. SBM's should consider opting for wooden cutlery instead as these are fully compostable in a compost bin. These help SBMs ensure less plastic is used during lunch which will help with having a greener school.
Purchase plastic free supplies
Supplies SBMs must stock up on use plastic packaging. This impacts negatively on the environment and due to the amount of stock needed, it contributes massively towards schools' plastic usage.
SBMs need to make a change and select their school supplies carefully with the environment in mind. Over 40% of plastic are single use and school supplies packaged in plastic contributes to this number. SBMs should try and purchase supplies that are packaged in recyclable materials to use less plastic. Also, SBMs must consider buying recycled material supplies.
Supplies such as eco pencils, eco pens, and eco notepads are the best school supplies to switch to as these are the most ordered due to them being essentials. These products are all made from recyclable materials and the pens are made from 86% recycled plastic. Using products like these will significantly help you achieve a greener school and will be a huge step in the right direction.
Repurpose items and packaging
As an SBM, it is imperative to lead by example and educate your staff about best practices to use less plastic. Notify your staff about wastage of plastic items and packaging as they are usually only used once before being thrown away. Give examples of how teachers can reuse these plastic items with their class such as, using bottles for art and plastic packaging for sealing any items or covering books to ensure they don't get dirty.
You can also have a system where your staff hand in plastic packaging and items that are no longer needed. Have a collection point in the school where they can drop the plastic off. Once the plastic is gathered, repurpose it around the school. This could be saving plenty of water bottles and using them as hanging plant pots to grow flowers in. You can also save all types of plastic until there is a large amount then turn the plastic into furniture for the school.
Use recycled plastic furniture outdoors
Outdoor furniture is usually made of plastic as it is durable for the outdoors. This can add to a school's plastic usage. To have a positive impact on the environment, SBMs should consider purchasing recycled plastic furniture.
SBMs can make a huge change by swapping out the school's outdoor furniture with recycled plastic picnic tables and recycled plastic benches. Not only is recycled plastic furniture environmentally friendly due to giving old plastic a new life, but they also have plenty of benefits too. Recycled plastic furniture is very weather resistant and rot-proof so are perfect for outdoors. Compared to wooden furniture for the outdoors, recycled plastic lasts longer and can resist all weather. Another advantage of recycled plastic furniture is that they are low maintenance and safe for children which is perfect for the school environment. It is easy to clean up any spillages and stains and there is little effort to keep the furniture looking brand new.
SBMs must consider small and large changes within the school to use less plastic. It is imperative for the environment to reduce and reuse all plastics whilst finding plastic free alternatives. SBMs need to set an example to their staff and pupils by implementing changes and educating everyone on why changes need to be made. Doing this allows schools to have a greener future and a positive contribution to the environment.
To help the environment further and take crucial steps toward a greener school, read our blog on top tips for a sustainable classroom.