National back to school prep day

National back to school prep day

National back to school prep day


Summer is coming to an end,  which means it’s the start of the new year for children to go back to school. For many it means going back to homework, for some it means a new school year of memories and adventures.

While going back to school can be fun and create a lot of opportunities for students, as SBMs it’s important to make sure the school is stocked up with back to school essentials such as pencils, pens and erasers.

For National back to school prep day, we have created a list of things SBMs should do before going back to school.


Things SBMs should do before going back to school:


Stock up on school stationery


When you're in the middle of planning for your new school year, it can be easy to forget about one very important thing: your stationery. The start of a new school year is a great time to stock up on all the things you need for your school including textbooks, pens, pencils and notebooks.

As the school year starts it can become very busy as students prepare for their classes, activities and assignments. Keeping a stock of stationery in your school like notebooks and staplers can help make your day-to-day tasks easier.


Keep plenty of water bottles


During the start of the new school year, it can become very busy for teachers and other members of the school. It is important to keep hydration facilities like water bottles in classrooms. It is a great excitement for both teachers and students during the start of the new school year. It’s important for teachers to stop and hydrate during this time of the year as it can become very busy. 

One way for SBMs to ensure teachers and students are hydrated is to have plenty of water bottles available in the classroom. Teachers can easily grab one when they need it, which will help them from getting dehydrated during their class time.

Keeping water bottles around the school classroom can help boost classroom performance as staff and students will be hydrated. This will help teachers and students to focus on their lessons and tasks.


Make sure classrooms & hallways are clean


School cleanliness impacts the health of teachers and students. Having clean classrooms and hallways prevents viruses and germs from spreading around the school.

Cleanliness is important not only for the health of students but also for teachers. Teachers are in close contact with their students throughout the day, so it's important that they have a clean environment in which to work. When classrooms and hallways aren't kept clean, germs can spread easily throughout the school, which can make it difficult for students to focus on their work. Teachers may also feel more stressed out if they come into contact with things like mould and mildew during their day-to-day activities in the classroom. This will be reflected in their teaching style, which may negatively impact student performance.

SBMs must ensure school classrooms and hallways are clean before the start of the school year. Start by using detergents, eco drops, and cleaning wipes to clean floors and surfaces. In addition, maintaining a clean classroom helps keep students focused. If they see their teacher spend time cleaning up after them instead of teaching them new material, it can make them feel like they aren't being taken seriously as students or valued as people.


Prepare student's desks with name tags & labels


Before the start of the busy school year, make sure students' desks are organised by having name tags and labels on the desk.

The beginning of a new year for students can be overwhelming. The start of the school year is always hectic as students are trying to get ready for class and make sure they have everything they need. It can be difficult for students to keep track of all their belongings when they are in a rush to get to class on time.

When students have name tags on their desk and their items labelled, they will know exactly where to look when they need something. This is especially helpful if you are putting items in different places throughout the day or if there are multiple people sharing one desk. Labels can also help identify which items belong to what student so that no one gets confused.

Hand out labels and name tags to your staff for their classrooms so that your students feel welcomed back, or into, the school in the new year.


Overall, it’s important that SBMs have stocked up on their classroom supplies and facilities to ensure students' lessons are meaningful and worthwhile whilst they are back in school.

For more blogs like this read our recent blog on Stationery essentials: Items every SBM needs.