Summer recipes: What equipment does your school need?

Summer recipes: What equipment does your school need?
An essential aspect that can often be forgotten about in schools is food tech and baking. As an SBM, it is important to ensure that your school has the correct, high-quality equipment needed to carry out food tech lessons or any baking that your staff may like to do with their class. To help you give your school the correct equipment, we have made a list so you know what equipment your school needs. Use this list to purchase and stock up on all food tech supplies in time for all the summer recipes your students will be making ahead of summer.
Choose high-quality equipment
Before purchasing any equipment required for your school's food labs and classrooms, it is essential to make sure that you purchase high-quality tools. Choosing high-quality resources means that they will be more durable and last longer; therefore, over time, saving your school money. Make sure that staff teach students to take care of the equipment they are using so that minimal breakages occur.
Induction hob cookers
With many students learning to cook or having a go at baking, it is important to ensure you get the right ovens fitted into your food labs. It is all dependent on the space your labs have for each oven to be placed and how many can be fitted. Work out with your staff how many are needed remembering that two or more students can share one oven.
The best type of oven for you to invest in is induction hob ovens. These are energy efficient and compact, too, with a variety of cooking options and induction hobs on top. This allows you to save energy and resources while students can save time on their cooking as they can cook multiple things at once. Plus, students can create different foods from each other, which is useful if any exams have to take place.
If your school doesn’t need to use them very often, consider purchasing mini ovens with hobs that can be stored away when not used.
Knives and chopping boards
Knives and chopping boards are a staple of all kitchens, especially for schools' food labs. Ensure to stock up on different coloured chopping boards for your students to use. This is extremely important as it teaches children about food safety, and they learn what to cut on which colour. For example, green is for fruit and vegetables. Having these gets students familiar with cross-contamination and how to stop it, which is vital information for them to know for any exams and to stop food poisoning.
Provide your school with a range of knives to use for cutting all sorts of ingredients. Having a variety of knives ensures that you don’t limit your students, especially for those who may be doing a GCSE in food technology. For younger students, make sure your staff always assists them when using a knife and shows them how to handle knives correctly. Make sure to have plenty of knife blocks or cutlery trays to store them away safely and out of reach of students. Teachers should bring them out when needed to prevent children from harming anyone or taking knives.
Another vital piece of equipment for your school food labs are scales. Invest in digital scales that students can use to measure their ingredients. Digital scales are best for your school as they give students a more accurate reading so they can stick to recipes as closely as possible. Plus, they can learn different measurements as the scales can be set to different ways of measuring. This is useful for them when doing food technology lessons and if they have a keen interest in cooking.
Washing up supplies
Stock up on washing up supplies for your food tech labs to ensure that every student can clean up after themselves. Ensure to have washing up bowls, liquid and sponges, and have some spares, especially with sponges, so that there is plenty when they wear down. For smaller children and normal classrooms, have a small washing-up set so they can learn to clean up after themselves. Have multiple sinks between each surface that two or three students can share to tidy up.
Encourage staff to show the importance of cleaning up after and ensuring all surfaces are wiped down and safe to prepare on again. Provide them with some antibacterial surface spray to ensure that all surfaces are sterile from germs so that they can be safely used for preparing food again.
Blenders or processors
Provide your school with high-quality blenders or food processors to offer students other options for what they can cook. Having blenders or processors ensures that children aren't restricted by what they want to make. Purchasing the high-end types gives your school budget value for money as they will last longer and be able to blend foods effortlessly. Breakages will be kept to a minimum if you spend more on them; therefore, more students can use them.
Mixing bowls
Another key item for your school food labs or classrooms is mixing bowls. Make sure to stock up in bulk so that every student can use one when needed. Mixing bowls are used for many various cooking and baking recipes. Depending on your school's needs, opt for large plastic mixing bowls that are sturdy but light for little hands to pick up. Or you can choose a steel mixing bowl that is durable and hard-wearing.
Consider refrigerators
When planning a food lab out with staff, consider purchasing refrigerators to fit into the room. This could be two or three large refrigerators with freezers, or you could opt for small fridges and separate freezers to go within the counters and cupboards. This is dependent on the space the room offers you and how much use your students and staff will get out of them.
If you have students studying food technology, then a few bigger fridge freezers would be the best option. Having these ensures that students' ingredients don’t go off or get warm, especially if they aren’t cooking until near the end of the day. They can put their ingredients away in the morning and not have to worry about them spoiling. This is also the case if they cook first thing in the morning so they can refrigerate until the end of the day.
Trays and tins
Trays and tins are one of the most important pieces of equipment your school needs, as they are used so often in cooking and baking. Purchase them in bulk to ensure that every food lab or classroom has at least two for each student. Plus, it's always best to have some extras in case, as over time, trays and tins can chip and erode, which can then affect the food. It is always important for students to have access to clean and good condition trays and tins that they can cook multiple foods on.
Offer your school a variety of different trays and tins to fit all sorts of different cooking and baking. This enables them to choose what they would like to make or follow guidance from teachers closer as they have the right type for cooking.
Now you have the basics of what equipment your school needs to encourage students to create summer recipes and get cooking. Make sure to stock up on these supplies to ensure everyone has plenty to use and has backups for wear and tear. Research products and thoroughly think through which ones will work best for your food labs or classrooms. Aim for the high-end items, too, so you can get value for money on your school budget, as they will last a lot longer than cheaper options.
Want some recipe inspiration? Read our quick and easy recipes and try them out yourself. Pass them on to your staff too to do with their students.